Example for the property assumed meaning (is supposed meaning in) – J16  Back




Francesca Bologna’s belief that Publius Cornelius Tacitus meant that “Nero was at Antium when the Great Fire broke out and did not return to Rome until the fire approached his house” (I13)
assumed meaning
{Nero in July 19, 64 AD (E93 Presence)
P164 is temporally specified by: July 19, 64 AD (E52 Time-Span)
P195 was a presence of: Nero Claudius Caeesar Drusus Germanicus (E21 Person)
P167 was within Antium in 64 AD, Italy (E53 Place)
P133 is spatiotemporally separated from: The Great Fire of Rome (E5 Event)
   P1 is identified by: incendium magnum Romae (E41 Appellation)
   P4 has timespan: July 19-27, AD (E52 Time-Span)
   P7 took place at: Rome, in 64AD, Italy (E53 Place)
}I4 (Bologna, 2021).

