Scope note for the class Topographical Status – ZE44  Back


Scope note


An instance of topographical status is the collective ascription to a geographical place of a formal spatial association to another geographic place. The substance of the topographical status is the communal attribution of a defined spatial association between two geographic places.

As opposed to connections created between geographic places as determine through a pure mathematic relation, e.g.: the falling within of a larger geometry by a smaller geometry, topographical statuses depend also on a de jure, socially recognized connection between two topographies. For example, when there are distinct political positions on the boundaries of a country, whether a geographic area 'falls within' another geographic area depends not only on the geometric calculation, but on the definition of extents of the geographic spaces in the first place. 

Instances of topographical status are recognizable through evidence of community members adopting the intentional stance of so-recognizing this status, as observable from direct witnesses, through the reports of competent observers or through evidence of a declarative act initiating this status.

Instances of topographical status may come to be through a formal process such as a declarative act of such definition, or may have arisen through habit, fiat or be of unknown origin. Instances of locative status may end either though a formal process, such as a new declarative act, or may simply fade out of use, be eliminated by fiat or be of unknown reason.

