Scope note for the class Social Status – ZE6  Back


Scope note


An instance of social status is the collective ascription of a social function to an actor by a community. The substance of the social status is the communal commitment to relating to and acting toward the actor in question according to the designated status.

Instances of social status are recognizable through evidence of community members adopting the intentional stance of so relating or acting toward the actor in question, as observable from direct witnesses, through the reports of competent observers or through evidence of a declarative act [e.g.: E17 Type Assignment] initiating this status.

Instances of social status may attributed to individuals or to groups of individuals. Instances of social status may also be held in relation to a third party, to whom the subject of the social status bears certain rights and/or responsibilities.

Instances of social status may come to be through a formal process such as a declarative act of assignment [E17 Type Assignment], or may have arisen through habit, fiat or be of unknown origin. Instances of social status may end either though a formal process, such as a new declarative act of classification.

