Example for the property ends before the start of (starts after the end of) – P183  Back




The use of the Tomb Four from Nikitopoulou group in Nihoria in the MHIII-LHI period (E4) ends before the start of the period of reuse of the Tomb Four from Nikitopoulou group in LHIIIA (E4). [“Of the six tombs excavated in the Nikitopoulou group […] the finds in Tomb Four are of MH II or MH III-LH I date, with the exception of the finds with the Northern group of material, which is uniformly dated to LHIIA2, end the ewer in the middle of the floor, dated LHIIIA1. […] The preserved evidence seems clearly to indicate use in the MHIII-LHI use in the MHIII-LHI period followed by a period of reuse in LHIIIA, a pattern matched at architecturally similar sites such as 13:Kaminia and 10:Gouvalári.”] (Boyd, 2002)

