should have number of parts – CLP57
CLP57 should have number of parts
Scope note:
This property associates a publication, i.e. an instance of F3 Manifestation Product Type, with an instance of E60 Number, which denotes the number of physical units all exemplars of that publication should consist of, as long as they are recognised as complete exemplars of that publication. Typically, this property is observed on one exemplar of a publication, and extrapolated to all other exemplars of the same publication. This logical inference is an induction along the path that can be modelled as: F3 Manifestation Product Type R7i has example F5 Item P57 has number of parts E60 Number.
It can happen that a given exemplar, or subset of exemplars, originally produced, or intended to be produced, with that characteristic, accidentally lacks it. This fact should be recorded as a property of F5 Item, and not of F3 Manifestation Product Type.
The jigsaw puzzle entitled ‘Map of the New York city subway system’, designed by Stephen J. Voorhies and released around 1954 by the Union Dimes Savings Bank (F3) CLP57 should have number of parts 76 (E60) [Number of physical units of the exemplar held by the Library of Congress, as observed by a cataloguer from the Library of Congress when he/she catalogued that particular exemplar and recorded the statement: ‘1 jigsaw puzzle (ca. 76 pieces)’]
The publication entitled ‘History of costume: in slides, notes, and commentaries’ by Jeanne Button, Patricia Quinn Stuart, and Stephen Sbarge, released by Slide Presentations (New York) ca. 1975 (F3) CLP57 should have number of parts 1,491 (E60) [Number of physical units of the exemplar held by the Gelman Library of the George Washington University, as observed by a cataloguer from the Gelman Library of the George Washington University when he/she catalogued that particular exemplar and recorded the statement: ‘1,491 slides in 14 slide trays + 6 ring binders in cases (30 x 29 cm.)’]
In First Order Logic:
- CLP57(x,y) ⇒ F3(x)
- CLP57(x,y) ⇒ E60(y)
Scope notes
Additional notes
Identifier: CLP57
Official URI:
Domain and range
frbroo:F3 Manifestation Product Type → CLP57 should have number of parts → crm:E60 Number (Quantifiers 0,n:1,1)
: Standard label for this language
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