is realised in (realises) – R3

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R3 is realised in (realises)



Scope note:

This property associates an instance of F2 Expression with an instance of F1 Work.

This property expresses the association that exists between an expression and the work that this expression conveys. Our factual knowledge of how a given work is historically realised into expressions is often limited. Therefore, this property makes it possible to express the association between an instance of F2 Expression and the instance of F1 Work it conveys without identifying the particular instances of F2 Expression that were part of a chain of derivation from the source.


  • Agatha Christie’s work entitled ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ (F1) is realised in the original text written by Agatha Christie for the novel (F2).
  • Agatha Christie’s work entitled ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ (F1) is realised in the German translation created by Elisabeth van Bebber (F2).
  • Agatha Christie’s work entitled ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ (F1) is realised in the narration of the English text by David Suchet (F2).
  • Dante’s work entitled ‘Inferno’ (F1) is realised in the Italian text of Dante’s ‘Inferno’ as found in the authoritative critical edition ‘La Commedia secondo l’antica issolu’ a cura di Giorgio Petrocchi, Milano: Mondadori, 1966-67 (= ‘Le Opere di Dante Alighieri’, Edizione Nazionale a cura della Società Dantesca Italiana, VII, 1-4) (F2).
  • Johann Sebastian Bach’s ‘Goldberg Variations’ (F1) is realised in the score of The Goldberg Variations (as published by Balthasar Schmid in 1741) (F2).
  • Auguste Rodin’s work ‘The Thinker’ (F1) is realised in the first plaster version of ‘The thinker’ (F2) that Auguste Rodin made around 1881.
  • Auguste Rodin’s work ‘The Thinker’ (F1) is realised in the large-scale version of ‘The thinker’ (F2) created at the fonderie Alexis Rudier in 1904.

In First Order Logic:

  • R3(x,y) ⇒ F1(x)
  • R3(x,y) ⇒ F2(y)
  • R3(x,y) ⇒ P130(x,y)

Scope notes

Show Scope note Language Namespace View details Comments Validation
This property associates an instance of F2 Expression with an instance of F1 Work. This property expresses the association that exists between an expression and the work that this expression conveys. Our factual knowledge of how a given work is historically realised into expressions is often limited. Therefore, this property makes it possible to express the association between an instance of F2 Expression and the instance of F1 Work it conveys without identifying the particular instances of F2 Expression that were part of a chain of derivation from the source. en LRMoo 0.9.6 0 Candidate


Show Example Language Namespace View details Comments Validation
Agatha Christie’s work entitled ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ (F1) is realised in the original text written by Agatha Christie for the novel (F2). Agatha Christie’s work entitled ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ (F1) is realised in the German translation created by Elisabeth van Bebber (F2). Agatha Christie’s work entitled ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ (F1) is realised in the narration of the English text by David Suchet (F2). Dante’s work entitled ‘Inferno’ (F1) is realised in the Italian text of Dante’s ‘Inferno’ as found in the authoritative critical edition ‘La Commedia secondo l’antica issolu’ a cura di Giorgio Petrocchi, Milano: Mondadori, 1966-67 (= ‘Le Opere di Dante Alighieri’, Edizione Nazionale a cura della Società Dantesca Italiana, VII, 1-4) (F2). Johann Sebastian Bach’s ‘Goldberg Variations’ (F1) is realised in the score of The Goldberg Variations (as published by Balthasar Schmid in 1741) (F2). Auguste Rodin’s work ‘The Thinker’ (F1) is realised in the first plaster version of ‘The thinker’ (F2) that Auguste Rodin made around 1881. Auguste Rodin’s work ‘The Thinker’ (F1) is realised in the large-scale version of ‘The thinker’ (F2) created at the fonderie Alexis Rudier in 1904. en LRMoo 0.9.6 0 Candidate

Additional notes

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Identifier: R3

Official URI:

Domain and range

lrmoo:F1 Work → R3 is realised in (realises) → lrmoo:F2 Expression  (Quantifiers 1,1:1,n)


Label Language Last updated View details Comments Validation
is realised in (realises) * en 2023-05-08 0 Candidate

: Standard label for this language


Namespace Last updated
LRMoo 0.9.6 2023-01-25

Parent properties

Domain Property Range Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments Validation
crm:E70 Thing (0,n) P130 shows features of (features are also found on) (0,n) crm:E70 Thing CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 LRMoo 0.9.6 0 Candidate

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