RiC-O 1.0 ongoing

RiC-O 1.0 ongoing


RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL ontology for describing archival record resources. As the third part of Records in Contexts standard, it is a formal representation of Records in Contexts Conceptual Model (RiC-CM).

The current version is v1.0; it is compliant with RiC-CM 1.0, which was published by EGAD on November 30, 2023. As the first stable and complete version of this ontology, RiC-0 1.0 is thus a major milestone.

RiC-O provides a generic vocabulary and formal rules for creating RDF datasets to describe any kind of archival record resource, whether natively or by transforming existing metadata (or generating them from existing archival metadata). It supports publishing RDF datasets as Linked Data, querying them using SPARQL, and making inferences.




Creator: International Council on Archives Expert Group on Archival Description (ICA EGAD) - Contributors (in alphabetical order of their last names): Florence Clavaud (Archives nationales de France), member of EGAD and lead of EGAD RiC-O team from 2012; Regine I. Heberlein (University of Princeton, USA), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023; Miia Herrala (National Archives of Finland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2016 to 2022; Jan Krause-Bilvin (Archives cantonales vaudoises, Switzerland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023; Daniel Pitti (University of Virginia, USA), chair of EGAD from 2012; Aaron Rubinstein (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2012 to 2022; Tobias Wildi (University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Switzerland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2019; Ivo Zandhuis (Consultant Digital Cultural Heritage, The Netherlands), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023. - Publisher: International Council on Archives - Rights: Copyright 2019-, International Council on Archives (ICA) - License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


Show Description Language Validation
RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL ontology for describing archival record resources. As the third part of Records in Contexts standard, it is a formal representation of Records in Contexts Conceptual Model (RiC-CM). The current version is v1.0; it is compliant with RiC-CM 1.0, which was published by EGAD on November 30, 2023. As the first stable and complete version of this ontology, RiC-0 1.0 is thus a major milestone. RiC-O provides a generic vocabulary and formal rules for creating RDF datasets to describe any kind of archival record resource, whether natively or by transforming existing metadata (or generating them from existing archival metadata). It supports publishing RDF datasets as Linked Data, querying them using SPARQL, and making inferences. en Candidate


Creator: International Council on Archives Expert Group on Archival Description (ICA EGAD) - Contributors (in alphabetical order of their last names): Florence Clavaud (Archives nationales de France), member of EGAD and lead of EGAD RiC-O team from 2012; Regine I. Heberlein (University of Princeton, USA), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023; Miia Herrala (National Archives of Finland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2016 to 2022; Jan Krause-Bilvin (Archives cantonales vaudoises, Switzerland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023; Daniel Pitti (University of Virginia, USA), chair of EGAD from 2012; Aaron Rubinstein (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2012 to 2022; Tobias Wildi (University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Switzerland), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2019; Ivo Zandhuis (Consultant Digital Cultural Heritage, The Netherlands), member of EGAD and EGAD RiC-O team from 2023. - Publisher: International Council on Archives - Rights: Copyright 2019-, International Council on Archives (ICA) - License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Candidate


Base URI: https://www.ica.org/standards/RiC/ontology#

Project of belonging: Records in Contexts-Ontology

This namespace is ongoing and can be modified at any time. It is not advisable to use its classes and properties.

Namespaces to which this ongoing namespace refers

RDF Schema 1.1
XML Schema 1.1


Label Language Last updated Validation
RiC-O 1.0 ongoing * en 2024-04-17 Candidate

* : Standard label for this language


RiC-O 1.0 ongoing is an ongoing namespace.

Root namespace: RiC-O

Published versions

Namespace Publication date


The classes in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the Records in Contexts-Ontology project.


The properties in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the Records in Contexts-Ontology project.


The relations in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the Records in Contexts-Ontology project.


Show Note Type Language Entity
Connects at least two Persons who directly know each other during their existence. This Relation is not oriented. Context note en rico:KnowingRelation Knowing Relation
A spoken or written human language represented in a Record Resource or used by an Agent. Context note en rico:Language
Connects at least one Person and at least one Group, when the first one(s) lead(s) or led the second one(s). The Relation is oriented from the leading Person to the Group: the leading Person(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Group(s) is the target. Context note en rico:LeadershipRelation Leadership Relation
A status defined by law. Context note en rico:LegalStatus Legal Status
Connects at least one Agent and at least one Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent manages or managed. The Agent(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the target. Context note en rico:ManagementRelation Management Relation
Delegation of responsibility or authority by an Agent to another Agent to perform an Activity. Context note en rico:Mandate
Connects at least one Mandate and at least one Agent, when the first gives or gave the second one the authority or competencies to act. May also involve one to many Activities that the Mandate(s) assign(s) or assigned to the Agent(s). The Mandate(s) is the source of the Relation and the Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:MandateRelation Mandate Relation
Categorization of a Mandate. Context note en rico:MandateType Mandate Type
A process or system created by a Person or Group that performs an Activity. Context note en rico:Mechanism
Connects a Group and at least one Person, when the first one has or had the second one(s) among its members. The Relation is oriented from the Group to its members: the Group(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Person(s) is the target. Context note en rico:MembershipRelation Membership Relation
Connects an Instantiation and at least another Instantiation it has been migrated into. The Relation is oriented chronologically, from the first Instantiation in time (the migrated one) to the one which results from its migration: the first Instantiation in time is the source of the Relation, and the resulting Instantiation is the target. Context note en rico:MigrationRelation Migration Relation
A label, title or term designating an entity in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. Context note en rico:Name
Categorization of a profession, trade, or craft pursued by a Person in fulfilment of an Activity. Context note en rico:OccupationType Occupation Type
Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at least one Agent or Activity, when the Agent or Activity is the provenance of the Record Resource or Instantiation (i.e. when the Agent created, accumulated or maintained the Record Resource or Instantiation, or when the Activity resulted into them). The Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) or Activity(-ies) is the target. Context note en rico:OrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceRelation Organic or functional provenance Relation
Connects an Appellation to a Thing that it designates or designated. Context note en rico:isOrWasAppellationOf is or was appellation of
Connects a Type (a category) to a Thing that it categorizes or categorized. Context note en rico:isOrWasCategoryOf is or was category of
Connects a Category (Type) and a Record Set whose all present or past Record or Record Part members belong to that Category. Context note en rico:isOrWasCategoryOfAllMembersOf is or was category of all members of
Connects a Category (Type) and a Record Set whose some present or past Record or Record Part members belong to that Category. Context note en rico:isOrWasCategoryOfSomeMembersOf is or was category of some members of
Inverse of 'has or had component' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasComponentOf is or was component of
Inverse of 'has or had constituent' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasConstituentOf is or was constituent of
Inverse of 'contains or contained' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasContainedBy is or was contained by
Connects a Content Type and a Record Set whose all past or present Record or Record Part members have that Content Type. Context note en rico:isOrWasContentTypeOfAllMembersOf is or was content type of all members of
Connects a Content Type and a Record Set whose some past or present Record or Record Part members have that Content Type. Context note en rico:isOrWasContentTypeOfSomeMembersOf is or was content type of some members of
Connects an Agent to another Agent it controls or controlled. Context note en rico:isOrWasControllerOf is or was controller of
Connects an instance of Coordinates to a Physical Location it locates or located on earth, according to some reference system. Context note en rico:isOrWasCoordinatesOf is or was coordinates of
Connects a Corporate Body Type to a Corporate Body that it categorizes or categorized. Context note en rico:isOrWasCorporateBodyTypeOf is or was corporate body type of
Connects a Date to a Record Set all of whose present or past members were created at this Date. Context note en rico:isOrWasCreationDateOfAllMembersOf is or was creation date of all members of
Connects a Date to a Record Set most of whose present or past members were created at this Date. Context note en rico:isOrWasCreationDateOfMostMembersOf is or was creation date of most members of
Connects a Date to a Record Set some of whose present or past members were created at this Date. Context note en rico:isOrWasCreationDateOfSomeMembersOf is or was creation date of some members of
Connects a Demographic Group to a Person or Group which belongs or belonged to it. Context note en rico:isOrWasDemographicGroupOf is or was demographic group of
Inverse of 'has or had derived instantiation' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasDerivedFromInstantiation is or was derived from instantiation
Inverse of 'describes or described' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasDescribedBy is or was described by
Inverse of 'has or had digital instantiation' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasDigitalInstantiationOf is or was digital instantiation of
Connects a Documentary Form Type and a Record Set whose all past or present Record or Record Part members have that Documentary Form Type. Context note en rico:isOrWasDocumentaryFormTypeOfAllMembersOf is or was documentary form type of all members of
Connects a Documentary Form Type and a Record Set whose some past or present Record or Record Part members have that Documentary Form Type. Context note en rico:isOrWasDocumentaryFormTypeOfSomeMembersOf is or was documentary form type of some members of
Connects a Corporate Body or a Person to a Person who is or was their employee. Context note en rico:isOrWasEmployerOf is or was employer of
Connects a Rule to an Agent that enforces or enforced the Rule. Context note en rico:isOrWasEnforcedBy is or was enforced by
Connects a Rule to a Record Resource that expresses or expressed the Rule. Context note en rico:isOrWasExpressedBy is or was expressed by
Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent holds or held. Context note en rico:isOrWasHolderOf is or was holder of
Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation on which the Agent has or had some intellectual property rights. Context note en rico:isOrWasHolderOfIntellectualPropertyRightsOf is or was holder of intellectual property rights of
Connects an Identifier to a Thing that it identified or identifies. Context note en rico:isOrWasIdentifierOf is or was identifier of
Inverse of 'includes or included' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasIncludedIn is or was included in
Inverse of 'has or had instantiation' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasInstantiationOf is or was instantiation of
Connects a Place to an Agent that has or had jurisdiction over the Place. Context note en rico:isOrWasJurisdictionOf is or was jurisdiction of
Connects a Language to an Agent, Record or Record Part that uses or used it. Context note en rico:isOrWasLanguageOf is or was language of
Connects a Language and a Record Set whose all present or past Record or Record Part members use that Language. Context note en rico:isOrWasLanguageOfAllMembersOf is or was language of all members of
Connects a Language and a Record Set whose some present or past Record or Record Part members use that Language. Context note en rico:isOrWasLanguageOfSomeMembersOf is or was language of some members of
Connects a Person to the Group that Person leads or led in the past. Context note en rico:isOrWasLeaderOf is or was leader of
Connects a Legal Status to an Agent or Record Resource that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isOrWasLegalStatusOf is or was legal status of
Connects a Legal Status and a Record Set whose all past or present Record or Record Part members have that Legal Status. Context note en rico:isOrWasLegalStatusOfAllMembersOf is or was legal status of all members of
Connects two Record Resources. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:isRecordResourceAssociatedWithRecordResource is record resource associated with record resource
Connects a Record Set and a Category (Type) to which some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set belong. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithCategory has or had some members with category
Connects a Record Set and a Content Type that categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithContentType has or had some members with content type
Inverse of 'is or was creation date of some members of' object property Context note en rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithCreationDate has or had some members with creation date
Connects a Record Set and a Documentary Form Type that categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithDocumentaryFormType has or had some members with documentary form type
Connects a Record Set and a Language used by some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithLanguage has or had some members with language
Connects a Record Set and a Legal Status that categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithLegalStatus has or had some members with legal status
Connects a Record Set and a Record State that categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSomeMembersWithRecordState has or had some members with record state
Connects a Group to one of its present or past subdivisions. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSubdivision has or had subdivision
Connects an Agent to an Agent that is hierarchically inferior. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSubordinate has or had subordinate
Connects a Record Resource, Instantiation or Rule to a title that is or was used for designating it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadTitle has or had title
Connects two Agents that have or had some type of work relation in the course of their activities. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:hasOrHadWorkRelationWith has or had work relation with
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that creates or accumulates it, receives it, or sends it, or to an Activity that generates it. Context note en rico:hasOrganicOrFunctionalProvenance has organic or functional provenance
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that creates or accumulates the Record Resource, receives it, or sends it. Context note en rico:hasOrganicProvenance has organic provenance
Inverse of 'is original of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOriginal has original
Connects a Thing to a Thing that is, directly or indirectly, a constitutive or component part of that Thing. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:hasPartTransitive has part transitive
Connects an Instantiation to a Production Technique Type that categorizes its production technique. Context note en rico:hasProductionTechniqueType has production technique type
Inverse of 'is publication date of' object property Context note en rico:hasPublicationDate has publication date
Connects a Record resource to an Agent who published it. Context note en rico:hasPublisher has publisher
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that receives it in the course of the Agent's activities. Context note en rico:hasReceiver has receiver
Connects an Instantiation to a Representation Type that categorizes its representation type. Context note en rico:hasRepresentationType has representation type
Connects two Persons who are siblings. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:hasSibling has sibling
Connects a Group to another Group that is one of its direct or indirect subdivisions. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:hasSubdivisionTransitive has subdivision transitive
Connects an ongoing Event to one of a series of Events that directly or indirectly constitute that broader, ongoing Event. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:hasSubeventTransitive has subevent transitive
Connects an Agent to an Agent that is directly or indirectly hierarchically inferior. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:hasSubordinateTransitive has subordinate transitive
Connects an Extent to a Unit Of Measurement Context note en rico:hasUnitOfMeasurement has unit of measurement
Inverse of 'is within' object property Context note en rico:hasWithin has within
Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set which it included in the past. Context note en rico:included
Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set it aggregates, or aggregated in the past. Context note en rico:includesOrIncluded includes or included
Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set which it includes directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:includesTransitive includes transitive
Connects two Dates that overlap. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:intersects
Inverse of 'has accumulator' object property. Context note en rico:isAccumulatorOf is accumulator of
Connects an Activity Type to an Activity that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isActivityTypeOf is activity type of
Inverse of 'has addressee' object property. Context note en rico:isAddresseeOf is addressee of
Connects two Agents. This object property is symmetric. Context note en rico:isAgentAssociatedWithAgent is agent associated with agent
Inverse of 'is place associated with agent' object property. Context note en rico:isAgentAssociatedWithPlace is agent associated with place
Inverse of 'is date associated with' object property. Context note en rico:isAssociatedWithDate is associated with date
Inverse of 'is event associated with' object property. Context note en rico:isAssociatedWithEvent is associated with event
Inverse of 'is place associated with' object property. Context note en rico:isAssociatedWithPlace is associated with place
Inverse of 'is rule associated with' object property. Context note en rico:isAssociatedWithRule is associated with rule
Inverse of 'has author' object property. Context note en rico:isAuthorOf is author of
Description of the production or reproduction status of a Record or Record Part. Context note en rico:RecordState Record State
Connects a category (a Type) and at least one Thing that belongs to this category. The Type(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:TypeRelation Type Relation
Connects a Record to another Record or Record Part that is its direct constituent. Context note en rico:hasDirectConstituent has direct constituent
Connects a Thing to a Thing that is a direct constitutive or component part of that Thing. Context note en rico:hasDirectPart has direct part
Connects a Group to one of its direct subdivisions. Context note en rico:hasDirectSubdivision has direct subdivision
Connects an ongoing Event to one of a series of Events that directly constitute that broader, ongoing Event. Context note en rico:hasDirectSubevent has direct subevent
Connects an Agent to an Agent that is its direct subordinate. Context note en rico:hasDirectSubordinate has direct subordinate
Connects two Persons that have some type of family link, i.e. belong to the same family. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:hasFamilyAssociationWith has family association with
Connects a Family to a Family Type that categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasFamilyType has family type
Connects an Agent that assigns the Mandate, to a Mandate Relation. Context note en rico:isAuthorizingAgentInMandateRelation is authorizing agent in mandate relation
Connects a Date to a Thing that came into existence on that Date. Context note en rico:isBeginningDateOf is beginning date of
Connects a Date to a Person that was born on that Date. Context note en rico:isBirthDateOf is birth date of
Connects a Place to a Person who was born in that Place. Context note en rico:isBirthPlaceOf is birth place of
Connects a Carrier Type to an Instantiation whose carrier it categorizes. Context note en rico:isCarrierTypeOf is carrier type of
Inverse of 'has child' object property. Context note en rico:isChildOf is child of
Inverse of 'has collector' object property. Context note en rico:isCollectorOf is collector of
Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation of which it is, directly or indirectly, a component. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:isComponentOfTransitive is component of transitive
Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part of which it is a constituent, directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:isConstituentOfTransitive is constituent of transitive
Connects a Place to a Place that is, directly or indirectly, contained by it. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:isContainedByTransitive is contained by transitive
Connects a Content Type to a Record or Record Part whose content it categorizes. Context note en rico:isContentTypeOf is content type of
Inverse of 'has copy' object property. Context note en rico:isCopyOf is copy of
Connects a Date to a Record Resource or Instantiation that was created at this Date. Context note en rico:isCreationDateOf is creation date of
Number of physical units and/or physical dimensions of the carrier of an Instantiation. Context note en rico:CarrierExtent Carrier Extent
Categorization of physical material on which information is represented. Context note en rico:CarrierType Carrier Type
Connects at least one Person to at least another Person, when the first has(ave) child(s) the second one(s). The Relation is oriented from the parent to the child: the parent is the source of the relation, and the child(ren) is the target. Context note en rico:ChildRelation Child Relation
An idea, unit of thought, abstract cultural object or category Context note en rico:Concept
The doing of something for some human purpose. Context note en rico:Activity
Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at least one Activity, when the Record Resource or Instantiation results from the Activity. The Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Activity(-ies) is the target. Context note en rico:ActivityDocumentationRelation Activity Documentation Relation
Categorization of an Activity. Context note en rico:ActivityType Activity Type
A Person, or Group, or an entity created by a Person or Group (Mechanism), or a Position, that acts in the world. Context note en rico:Agent
Connects at least one Agent, to at least another Agent, when the first one(s) control(s) or controlled in a way the activities of the second one(s). The Relation is oriented from the controlling agent to the controlled one: the controlling Agent(s) is the source of the Relation, and the controlled Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:AgentControlRelation Agent Control Relation
Connects at least one Agent to at least another Agent, when the first one is or was hierarchically superior to the second one. The Relation is oriented towards the 'bottom' of the hierarchical tree: the superior Agent(s) is the source of the Relation, and the inferior Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:AgentHierarchicalRelation Agent Hierarchical Relation
A label, title or term designating an Agent in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. Context note en rico:AgentName Agent Name
Connects at least one Agent to at least another Agent that succeeds it chronologically for, for instance, fullfilling some functions or performing some activities. The Relation is oriented chronologically, from the predecessor to the successor: the predecessor Agent(s) is the source of the Relation, and the successor Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:AgentTemporalRelation Agent Temporal Relation
Connects at least two Agents. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Context note en rico:AgentToAgentRelation Agent Relation
A concept of any kind that is used for designating an Entity and referring to it. Context note en rico:Appellation
Connects an Appellation and at least one Thing that the Appellation designates or designated. The Appellation is the source of the Relation and the Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:AppellationRelation Appellation Relation
Connects at least one Agent and at least one Thing over which the Agent has or had some authority. The Agent(s) is the source of the relation, and the Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:AuthorityRelation Authority Relation
Connects at least one Record to at least one Person, Group or Position that is or was responsible for conceiving and formulating the information contained in the Record. The Record is the source of the Relation and the Person(s), Group(s) or Position(s) is the target. Context note en rico:AuthorshipRelation Authorship Relation
The fundamental form of communication in which a Record or Record Part is expressed. Context note en rico:ContentType Content Type
Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at least one Agent, when the Record Resource or Instantiation is or was accumulated by the Agent, be it intentionally (collecting it) or not (receiving it in the course of its activities). The Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:AccumulationRelation Accumulation Relation
Longitudinal and latitudinal information about a Place. Context note en rico:Coordinates
An organized group of persons that act together as an Agent, and that has a recognized legal or social status. Context note en rico:CorporateBody Corporate Body
Categorization of a Corporate Body. Context note en rico:CorporateBodyType Corporate Body Type
Connects at least two Persons, when they correspond or corresponded to each other. This Relation is not oriented. Context note en rico:CorrespondenceRelation Correspondence Relation
Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at least one Agent, when the Agent is either responsible for all or some of the content of the Record Resource, or is a contributor to the genesis or production of the Instantiation. The Record Resource or Instantiation is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:CreationRelation Creation Relation
Chronological information associated with an entity that contributes to its identification and contextualization. Context note en rico:Date
Categorization of a Date. Context note en rico:DateType Date Type
Categorization of a Person or Group based on shared characteristics. Context note en rico:DemographicGroup Demographic Group
Connects an Instantiation to at least one Instantiation that is derived from it, whether it exists or has been lost or destroyed. The Relation is oriented chronologically, from the first Instantiation in time to the derived Instantiation: the first Instantiation is the source of the Relation, and the derived Instantiation(s) is the target. Context note en rico:DerivationRelation Derivation Relation
Connects at least one Person to at least another Person, when the first has/have descendant the second one(s). The Relation is oriented from the ascendant to the descendant: the ascendant Person(s) is the source of the Relation, and the descendant Person(s) is the target. Context note en rico:DescendanceRelation Descendance Relation
Categorization of a Record or Record Part with respect to its extrinsic and intrinsic elements that together communicate its content, administrative and documentary context, and authority. Context note en rico:DocumentaryFormType Documentary Form Type
Something that happens or occurs in time and space. Context note en rico:Event
Connects at least one Event to at least one Thing, when the first is associated with the existence and lifecycle of the second one. The Event(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:EventRelation Event Relation
Categorization of an Event. Context note en rico:EventType Event Type
Countable characteristics of the content of an entity expressed as a quantity. Context note en rico:Extent
Categorization of the extent that is being measured. Context note en rico:ExtentType Extent Type
Two or more persons related by birth, or through marriage, adoption, civil union, or other social conventions that bind them together as a socially recognized familial group. Context note en rico:Family
Connects at least two Persons, when they have some family link, i.e. belong to the same family. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Context note en rico:FamilyRelation Family Relation
Categorization of a Family. Context note en rico:FamilyType Family Type
Connects at least two Instantiations which may be considered as equivalent. This Relation is not oriented. Context note en rico:FunctionalEquivalenceRelation Functional Equivalence Relation
Two or more Agents that act together as an Agent. Context note en rico:Group
Connects a Group and at least another Group, when the first one has or had the second one(s) among its subdivisions. The Relation is oriented from the Group to its subdivision(s): the parent Group is the source and the subdivision Group(s) is the target. Context note en rico:GroupSubdivisionRelation Group Subdivision Relation
A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific information domain. Context note en rico:Identifier
Categorization of an Identifier. Context note en rico:IdentifierType Identifier Type
The inscription of information made by an Agent on a physical carrier in any persistent, recoverable form as a means of communicating information through time and space. Context note en rico:Instantiation
Countable characteristics of an Instantiation expressed as a quantity. Context note en rico:InstantiationExtent Instantiation Extent
Connects at least two instantiations. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Context note en rico:InstantiationToInstantiationRelation Instantiation to Instantiation Relation
Connects at least one Agent and one Record Resource or Instantiation on which the Agent has or had some intellectual property rights. The Agent(s) is the source of the Relation and the Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the target. Context note en rico:IntellectualPropertyRightsRelation Intellectual Property Rights Relation
Connects at least one Person to at least another one, when the first one has some knowledge of the second one through time or space. The first Person is the source of the Relation, and the second one is the target. Context note en rico:KnowingOfRelation Knowing Of Relation
Connects at least one Record Resource or an Instantiation to at least one Agent that creates or accumulates the Record Resource, receives it, or sends it. The Record Resource(s) or Instantiation(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:OrganicProvenanceRelation Organic Provenance Relation
Connects at least one Group, Person or Position and at least a Thing that these Agent(s) own(s) or owned. The Group(s), Person(s) or Position(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:OwnershipRelation Ownership Relation
Connects at least one Activity to at least one Agent that performs or performed the activity. The Activity(-ies) is the source of the Relation and the Agent(s) is the target. Context note en rico:PerformanceRelation Performance Relation
An individual human being. Context note en rico:Person
A delimitation of the physical territory of a Place. Context note en rico:PhysicalLocation Physical Location
Bounded, named geographic area or region. Context note en rico:Place
A label, title or term designating a Place in order to make it distinguishable from other similar entities. Context note en rico:PlaceName Place Name
Connects a Place and at least one Thing when the first is associated with the existence and lifecycle of the second one. The Place is the source of the Relation and the Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:PlaceRelation Place Relation
Categorization of a Place. Context note en rico:PlaceType Place Type
The functional role of a Person within a Group. Context note en rico:Position
Connects at least one Person and at least one Position that the Person(s) occupies or occupied. The Person is the source of the Relation and the Position is the target. Context note en rico:PositionHoldingRelation Position Holding Relation
Connects at least one Position and a Group in which the position(s) exist(s) or existed, or that is (are) defined by that group's organizational structure. The Position(s) is the source of the Relation and the Group is the target. Context note en rico:PositionToGroupRelation Position to Group Relation
The method used in the representation of information on an instantiation. Context note en rico:ProductionTechniqueType Production Technique Type
A Proxy represents (stands for) a Record Resource as it exists in a specific Record Set. Context note en rico:Proxy
Inverse of 'has creator' object property. Context note en rico:isCreatorOf is creator of
Discrete information content formed and inscribed, at least once, by any method on any carrier in any persistent, recoverable form by an Agent in the course of life or work activity. Context note en rico:Record
Component of a Record with independent information content that contributes to the intellectual completeness of the Record. Context note en rico:RecordPart Record Part
Information produced or acquired and retained by an Agent in the course of life or work activity. Context note en rico:RecordResource Record Resource
The quantity of information content, as human experienced, contained in a Record Resource. Context note en rico:RecordResourceExtent Record Resource Extent
Connects two or more record resources when there is a genetic link between them. Genetic in this sense is as defined by diplomatics, i.e., the process by which a record resource is developed. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Context note en rico:RecordResourceGeneticRelation Record Resource Genetic Relation
Connects at least one Agent and one or more Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent(s) hold(s) or held. The Agent(s) is the source of the Relation and the Record Resource(s) or Instantiation is the target. Context note en rico:RecordResourceHoldingRelation Record Resource Holding Relation
Connects a Record Resource to one or more Instantiations that instantiate it, and which either may exist or may have been lost or destroyed. The Record Resource is the source of the Relation and the Instantiation(s) is the target. Context note en rico:RecordResourceToInstantiationRelation Record Resource to Instantiation Relation
Connects at least two Record Resources. This Relation is a generic, not oriented one. Context note en rico:RecordResourceToRecordResourceRelation Record Resource to Record Resource Relation
One or more records that are grouped together by an Agent based on the records sharing one or more attributes or relations. Context note en rico:RecordSet Record Set
A broad categorization of the type of Record Set. Context note en rico:RecordSetType Record Set Type
The top level relation class. It connects at least two Things. An instance of a Relation may have some datatype and object properties: a general description (datatype property) like any Thing; a certainty (for 'certain', 'quite probable', 'uncertain','unknown'); a date (use either the date datatype property or the Date class and isAssociatedWithDate object property); a state (relationState); a location (use the Place class and isAssociatedWithPlace object property); a source of information that can be used as an evidence for it (use either source datatype property or hasSource object property). This Relation is the most generic one; it is not oriented. Context note en rico:Relation
Method of recording the content type of an Instantiation Context note en rico:RepresentationType Representation Type
The role an Agent plays in some context (usually in some creation relation). Not to be confused with a Position (position of an agent in some group). For example, a Person who is the head of some Corporate Body may play the role of annotator (of a record) in a creation relation. Context note en rico:RoleType Role Type
Conditions that govern the existence, responsibility, or authority of an Agent; or the performance of an Activity by an Agent; or that contribute to the distinct characteristics of things created or managed by an Agent. Context note en rico:Rule
Connects at least one Rule to at least one Thing when it is associated with existence and lifecycle of the Thing. The Rule(s) is the source of the Relation, and the Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:RuleRelation Rule Relation
Categorization of a Rule. Context note en rico:RuleType Rule Type
Connects at least one Thing to at least one other Thing that follows or followed it in some sequence. The Relation is oriented from the first Thing(s) in the sequence to the following one(s): the first Thing(s) is the source, and the following Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:SequentialRelation Sequential Relation
Connects at least two Persons, when they are siblings. This Relation is not oriented. Context note en rico:SiblingRelation Sibling Relation
Connects at least two Persons, when they are spouses. This Relation is not oriented. Context note en rico:SpouseRelation Spouse Relation
Connects at least one Person to at least another Person who is or was their student. The Relation is oriented from the teacher(s) to the student(s): the teacher Person(s) is the source of the Relation, and the student Person(s) is the target. Context note en rico:TeachingRelation Teaching Relation
Connects at least one Thing to at least one other Thing that follows it in chronological order. The Relation is oriented chronologically: the preceding Thing(s) is the source of the Relation, the following Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:TemporalRelation Temporal Relation
Any idea, material thing, or event within the realm of human experience. Context note en rico:Thing
A name that is used for a Record Resource or a Rule Context note en rico:Title
A superclass for any category of some thing. A type characterizes an entity. Context note en rico:Type
A definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity. Can be spacial units (cm, m), weight (g, kg), time (s, h), storage (MB, TB) or more informal units used in the archival context like number of boxes, pages or words. Context note en rico:UnitOfMeasurement Unit Of Measurement
Connects a Thing to at least one other Thing that is or was a portion or division of the whole Thing. The Relation is oriented from the Thing to its part(s): the Thing is the source of the Relation, and the part Thing(s) is the target. Context note en rico:WholePartRelation Whole Part Relation
Connects at least two Agents that have or had some type of work relation in the course of their activities. This Relation is not oriented. Context note en rico:WorkRelation Work Relation
Connects an Activity to an Agent Temporal Relation (when the Activity is transferred from an Agent to another one) or a Mandate Relation (the Mandate assigns the Activity to the Agent or defines it). Context note en rico:activityIsContextOfRelation activity is context of relation
Inverse of 'is or was location of agent' object property. Context note en rico:agentHasOrHadLocation agent has or had location
Connects an Agent Temporal Relation or Mandate Relation, to an Activity that is, either transferred from an Agent to another one, or assigned by a Mandate to an Agent. Context note en rico:asConcernsActivity as concerns activity
Inverse of 'authorizes' object property Context note en rico:authorizedBy authorized by
Connects a Mandate to the Agent that the Mandate gives the authority or competencies to act. Context note en rico:authorizes
Connects a Mandate Relation to an Agent that assigns the Mandate. Context note en rico:authorizingAgent authorizing agent
Connects a Place to a Place that it contained in the past. Context note en rico:contained
Connects a Place to a region that is or was within it. Context note en rico:containsOrContained contains or contained
Connects a Place to a Place that it contains, directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:containsTransitive contains transitive
Connects a Creation Relation to the Role Type that the creator Agent(s) has in the creation process Context note en rico:creationWithRole creation with role
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that it describes or described. Context note en rico:describesOrDescribed describes or described
Connects a Place to another Place that it directly contains. Context note en rico:directlyContains contains directly
Connects a Thing to a Thing that it follows directly in some non chronological sequence. Context note en rico:directlyFollowsInSequence directly follows in sequence
Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set which it includes directly. Context note en rico:directlyIncludes directly includes
Connects a Thing to a Thing that it precedes directly in some non chronological sequence. Context note en rico:directlyPrecedesInSequence directly precedes in sequence
Connects a Record Resource to a Relation, when the first is used for proving the existence of the second one, or for describing it. Context note en rico:evidences
Connects a Position to a Group in which that Position exists or existed, or that is defined by that Group's organizational structure. Context note en rico:existsOrExistedIn exists or existed in
Connects a Thing to a Thing that it directly or indirectly follows in some non chronological sequence. Context note en rico:followsInSequenceTransitive follows in sequence transitive
Inverse of 'precedes in time' object property. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:followsInTime follows in time
Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part that was its constituent in the past. Context note en rico:hadConstituent had constituent
Connects a Group to one of its past subdivisions. Context note en rico:hadSubdivision had subdivision
Connects an Agent to an Agent that was hierarchically inferior in the past. Context note en rico:hadSubordinate had subordinate
Connects an Activity to an Activity Type that categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasActivityType has activity type
Inverse of 'is beginning date of' object property Context note en rico:hasBeginningDate has beginning date
Inverse of 'is birth date of' object property Context note en rico:hasBirthDate has birth date
Inverse of 'is birth place of' object property Context note en rico:hasBirthPlace has birth place
Connects an Instantiation to a Carrier Type which categorizes its carrier. Context note en rico:hasCarrierType has carrier type
Connects a Person to one of their children. Context note en rico:hasChild has child
Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation that is, directly or indirectly, a component of that Instantiation. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:hasComponentTransitive has component transitive
Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part that is its constituent, directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:hasConstituentTransitive has constituent transitive
Inverse of 'is creation date of' object property Context note en rico:hasCreationDate has creation date
Inverse of 'is destruction date of' object property. Context note en rico:hasDestructionDate has destruction date
Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation that is its direct component. Context note en rico:hasDirectComponent has direct component
Connects two Record Resources when there is a genetic link between them. Genetic in this sense is as defined by diplomatics, i.e. the process by which a Record Resource is developed. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:hasGeneticLinkToRecordResource has genetic link to record resource
Connects an Identifier and an Identifier Type that categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasIdentifierType has identifier type
Inverse of 'is modification date of' object property. Context note en rico:hasModificationDate has modification date
Connects a Record Set and a Category (Type) to which all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set belong. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithCategory has or had all members with category
Connects a Record Set and a Content Type that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithContentType has or had all members with content type
Inverse of 'is or was creation date of all members of' object property Context note en rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithCreationDate has or had all members with creation date
Connects a Record Set and a Documentary Form Type that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithDocumentaryFormType has or had all members with documentary form type
Connects a Record Set and a Language used by all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithLanguage has or had all members with language
Connects a Record Set and a Legal Status that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithLegalStatus has or had all members with legal status
Connects a Record Set and a Record State that categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAllMembersWithRecordState has or had all members with record state
Connects a record resource to one of its analogue instantiations, whether it exists or has been lost or destroyed. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAnalogueInstantiation has or had analogue instantiation
Connects a Thing to an Appellation that is or was used for designating it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAppellation has or had appellation
Connects an Agent to a Thing over which the Agent has or had some kind of authority. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAuthorityOver has or had authority over
Connects a Record or Record Part to a Record or Record part that is or was a constituent of that Record or Record Part. Context note en rico:hasOrHadConstituent has or had constituent
Connects a Physical Location to its past or present coordinates in a reference system. Context note en rico:hasOrHadCoordinates has or had coordinates
Connects a Person or a Group to a Demographic Group to which it belongs or belonged. Context note en rico:hasOrHadDemographicGroup has or had demographic group
Connects an instantiation to an instantiation that is derived from it, whether it exists or has been lost or destroyed. Context note en rico:hasOrHadDerivedInstantiation has or had derived instantiation
Connects a record resource to one of its digital instantiations, whether it exists or has been lost or destroyed. Context note en rico:hasOrHadDigitalInstantiation has or had digital instantiation
Connects a Thing to one of its past or present Identifiers. Context note en rico:hasOrHadIdentifier has or had identifier
Connects a Record Resource to an Instantiation, which either may exist or may have been lost or destroyed. Context note en rico:hasOrHadInstantiation has or had instantiation
Inverse of 'is or was holder of intellectual property rights of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadIntellectualPropertyRightsHolder has or had intellectual property rights holder
Inverse of 'is or was jurisdiction of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadJurisdiction has or had jurisdiction
Inverse of 'is or was location of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadLocation has or had location
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its main subject. Context note en rico:hasOrHadMainSubject has or had main subject
Inverse of 'is or was creation date of most members of' object property Context note en rico:hasOrHadMostMembersWithCreationDate has or had most members with creation date
Connects a Person to an Occupation Type that categorized or categorizes his/her occupation (profession, trade or craft). Context note en rico:hasOrHadOccupationOfType has or had occupation of type
Connects an Event to a Thing that is or was actively or passively involved in it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadParticipant has or had participant
Connects a Place to one of its past or present Physical Location. Context note en rico:hasOrHadPhysicalLocation has or had physical location
Inverse of 'exists or existed in' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadPosition has or had position
Inverse of 'has or had analogue instantiation' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasAnalogueInstantiationOf is or was analogue instantiation of
Connects a Date to a Thing with whose existence and lifecycle the Date is associated. Context note en rico:isDateAssociatedWith is date associated with
Connects a Date to an Event that occurred at this Date. An event or activity can be recurrent, which implies that one single event can be related to several dates. Context note en rico:isDateOfOccurrenceOf is date of occurrence of
Connects a Date Type to a Date that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isDateTypeOf is date type of
Connects a Date to a Person who died on that Date. Context note en rico:isDeathDateOf is death date of
Connects a Place to a Person who died in that Place. Context note en rico:isDeathPlaceOf is death place of
Connects a Date to a Thing that was destructed at that Date. Context note en rico:isDestructionDateOf is destruction date of
Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation of which it is a direct component. Context note en rico:isDirectComponentOf is direct component of
Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part of which it is a direct constituent. Context note en rico:isDirectConstituentOf is direct constituent of
Connects a Thing to a Thing of which it is direct constitutive or component part. Context note en rico:isDirectPartOf is direct part of
Connects a Group to the Group it is a direct subdivision of. Context note en rico:isDirectSubdivisionOf is direct subdivision of
Connects an ongoing Event to the Event it is a direct part of. Context note en rico:isDirectSubeventOf is direct subevent of
Connects an Agent to an Agent that is directly hierarchically superior. Context note en rico:isDirectSubordinateTo is direct subordinate to
Connects a Place to a Place that directly contains it. Context note en rico:isDirectlyContainedBy is directly contained by
Connects a Record to a Record or Record Set in which it is directly included. Context note en rico:isDirectlyIncludedIn is directly included in
Connects a Documentary Form Type to a Record or Record Part that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isDocumentaryFormTypeOf is documentary form type of
Connects a draft to the final version of a Record. Context note en rico:isDraftOf is draft of
Connects a Date to a Thing whose existence ended on that Date. Context note en rico:isEndDateOf is end date of
Connects two Things that are considered equivalent. Context note en rico:isEquivalentTo is equivalent to
Connects an Event to a Thing that is associated with the existence and lifecycle of the Event. Context note en rico:isEventAssociatedWith is event associated with
Connects an Event Type to an Event that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isEventTypeOf is event type of
Connects a Relation to a Record Resource that is used for proving is existence or describing it. Context note en rico:isEvidencedBy is evidenced by
Connects an Extent to a Thing Context note en rico:isExtentOf is extent of
Connects an Extent Type to an Extent that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isExtentTypeOf is extent type of
Connects a Family Type to a Family that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isFamilyTypeOf is family type of
Connects a Date to an Appellation, when it is the date at which the Appellation was first used. Context note en rico:isFromUseDateOf is from use date of
Connects two Instantiations which may be considered as equivalent. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:isFunctionallyEquivalentTo is functionally equivalent to
Connects an Identifier Type and an Identifier that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isIdentifierTypeOf is identifier type of
Connects a Record to a Record or Record Set in which it is directly or indirectly included. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:isIncludedInTransitive is included in transitive
Connects two Instantiations. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:isInstantiationAssociatedWithInstantiation is instantiation associated with instantiation
Connects a Date and a Thing that was last modified at this Date. Context note en rico:isLastUpdateDateOf is last update date of
Connects a Date to a Thing that was modified on that Date. Context note en rico:isModificationDateOf is modification date of
Connects two Places that are or were geographically adjacent. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:isOrWasAdjacentTo is or was adjacent to
Inverse of 'affects or affected' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasAffectedBy is or was affected by
Connects an Agent Name to an Agent it designates or designated. Context note en rico:isOrWasAgentNameOf is or was agent name of
Connects a Legal Status and a Record Set whose some past or present Record or Record Part members have that Legal Status. Context note en rico:isOrWasLegalStatusOfSomeMembersOf is or was legal status of some members of
Connects a Place to a Thing that is or was located in the Place. Context note en rico:isOrWasLocationOf is or was location of
Connects a Place to an Agent that is or was located in this Place. Context note en rico:isOrWasLocationOfAgent is or was location of agent
Inverse of 'has or had main subject' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasMainSubjectOf is or was main subject of
Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation that the Agent managed or manages. Context note en rico:isOrWasManagerOf is or was manager of
Connects a Mandate Type to a Mandate that it categorized or categorizes. Context note en rico:isOrWasMandateTypeOf is or was mandate type of
Inverse of 'has or had member' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasMemberOf is or was member of
Connects a Name to a Thing that it designated or designates. Context note en rico:isOrWasNameOf is or was name of
Connects an Occupation Type to a Person whose occupation is or was categorized by it. Context note en rico:isOrWasOccupationTypeOf is or was occupation type of
Inverse of 'occupies or occupied' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasOccupiedBy is or was occupied by
Connects a Group, Person or Position to a Thing that this Agent owns or owned. Context note en rico:isOrWasOwnerOf is or was owner of
Inverse of 'has or had part' relation. Context note en rico:isOrWasPartOf is or was part of
Inverse of 'has or had participant' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasParticipantIn is or was participant in
Connects an Activity to an Agent that performed or performs the Activity. Context note en rico:isOrWasPerformedBy is or was performed by
Connects a Physical Location to a Place, when it is or was its location. Context note en rico:isOrWasPhysicalLocationOf is or was physical location of
Connects a Place Name to a Place that was or is designated by it. Context note en rico:isOrWasPlaceNameOf is or was place name of
Connects a Place Type to a Place that is or was categorized by it. Context note en rico:isOrWasPlaceTypeOf is or was place type of
Connects a Record State and a Record Set whose all past or present Record or Record Part members have that Record State. Context note en rico:isOrWasRecordStateOfAllMembersOf is or was record state of all members of
Connects a Record State and a Record Set whose some past or present Record or Record Part members have that Record State. Context note en rico:isOrWasRecordStateOfSomeMembersOf is or was record state of some members of
Inverse of the 'regulates or regulated' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasRegulatedBy is or was regulated by
Inverse of 'is or was enforced by' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasResponsibleForEnforcing is or was responsible for enforcing
Connects a Rule Type to a Rule that it categorized or categorizes. Context note en rico:isOrWasRuleTypeOf is or was rule type of
Inverse of 'has or had subdivision' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasSubdivisionOf is or was subdivision of
Inverse of 'has or had subevent' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasSubeventOf is or was subevent of
Inverse of 'has or had subject' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasSubjectOf is or was subject of
Inverse of 'has or had subordinate' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasSubordinateTo is or was subordinate to
Connects a Title to a Record Resource, Instantiation or Rule that it designated or designates. Context note en rico:isOrWasTitleOf is or was title of
Inverse of 'has or had authority over' object property. Context note en rico:isOrWasUnderAuthorityOf is or was under authority of
Inverse of 'has organic or functional provenance' object property. Context note en rico:isOrganicOrFunctionalProvenanceOf is organic or functional provenance of
Inverse of 'has organic provenance' object property. Context note en rico:isOrganicProvenanceOf is organic provenance of
Connects the original version of a Record to a copy or a later version. Context note en rico:isOriginalOf is original of
Connects a Thing to a Thing of which it is a a constitutive or component part, directly or indirectly. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:isPartOfTransitive is part of transitive
Connects a Place to a Thing with whose existence and lifecycle the Place is associated. Context note en rico:isPlaceAssociatedWith is place associated with
Connects a Place to an Agent which is related to that Place. Context note en rico:isPlaceAssociatedWithAgent is place associated with agent
Connects a Production Technique Type to an Instantiation whose production technique is categorized by it. Context note en rico:isProductionTechniqueTypeOf is production technique type of
Connects a Date to a Record Resource that was made public at this Date. Context note en rico:isPublicationDateOf is publication date of
Connects an Agent to a Record Resource that it published. Context note en rico:isPublisherOf is publisher of
Inverse of 'received by' object property. Context note en rico:isReceiverOf is receiver of
Connects a Record Set Type to a Record Set that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isRecordSetTypeOf is record set type of
Connects a Record State to a Record or Record Part whose state it categorizes. Context note en rico:isRecordStateOf is record state of
The most generic relation, is related to, connects any Thing to any other Thing. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:isRelatedTo is related to
Inverse of 'has reply' object property. Context note en rico:isReplyTo is reply to
Connects a Representation Type to an Instantiation that it categorizes. Context note en rico:isRepresentationTypeOf is representation type of
Inverse of 'issued by' object property. Context note en rico:isResponsibleForIssuing is responsible for issuing
Connects a Rule to a Thing that is associated with the Rule. Context note en rico:isRuleAssociatedWith is rule associated with
Inverse of 'has sender' object property. Context note en rico:isSenderOf is sender of
Connects a Group to the Group it is a direct or indirect subdivision of. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:isSubdivisionOfTransitive is subdivision of transitive
Connects an ongoing Event to an Event of which it is a direct or indirect part. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:isSubeventOfTransitive is subevent of transitive
Connects an Agent to an Agent that is directly or indirectly hierarchically superior. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:isSubordinateToTransitive is subordinate to transitive
Inverse of 'has successor' object property. Context note en rico:isSuccessorOf is successor of
Connects a Date to an Appellation, when it is the date till which the Appellation was used. Context note en rico:isToUseDateOf is to use date of
Inverse of 'has unit of measurement' object property Context note en rico:isUnitOfMeasurementOf is unit of measurement of
Connects a Date to a Date in which it is contained. Context note en rico:isWithin is within
Connects a Rule to the Agent that issued or published the Rule. Context note en rico:issuedBy issued by
Connects a Leadership Relation to the Position occupied by the leading Person. Context note en rico:leadershipWithPosition leadership with position
Connects a Membership Relation to the Position occupied by the member Person(s). Context note en rico:membershipWithPosition membership with position
Inverse of 'migrated into' object property. Context note en rico:migratedFrom migrated from
Connects an Instantiation to a version it has been migrated into. Context note en rico:migratedInto migrated into
Connects a Person to a Position they occupy or occupied. Context note en rico:occupiesOrOccupied occupies or occupied
Connects a Position to a Leadership Relation (the leading Person occupies that Position). Context note en rico:positionIsContextOfLeadershipRelation position is context of leadership relation
Connects a Position to a Membership Relation (the member Person occupies that Position). Context note en rico:positionIsContextOfMembershipRelation position is context of membership relation
Connects a Thing to a Thing that follows it directly or indirectly in some non chronological sequence. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:precedesInSequenceTransitive precedes in sequence transitive
Connects a Thing to a Thing that follows it in chronological order. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:precedesInTime precedes in time
Connects an n-ary Relation to any of the Things involved. Context note en rico:relationConnects relation connects
Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is a secondary, contextual entity during the existence of the Relation. Context note en rico:relationHasContext relation has context
Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is its source. Context note en rico:relationHasSource relation has source
Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is its target. Context note en rico:relationHasTarget relation has target
Inverse of 'was split into' object property. Context note en rico:resultedFromTheSplitOf resulted from the split of
Connects a Role Type to a Creation Relation (this Role Type being the specific role played by the creating Person in the context of this Relation). Context note en rico:roleIsContextOfCreationRelation role is context of creation relation
Connects a Thing to a n-ary Relation. Context note en rico:thingIsConnectedToRelation thing is connected to relation
Connects a Thing (that is a secondary, contextual entity during the existence of the Relation) to a n-ary Relation. Context note en rico:thingIsContextOfRelation thing is context of relation
Connects a Thing (that is the source of a Relation) to a Relation. Context note en rico:thingIsSourceOfRelation thing is source of relation
Connects a Thing (that is the target of a Relation) to a n-ary Relation. Context note en rico:thingIsTargetOfRelation thing is target of relation
Connects a Record or Record Part to another Record or Record Part of which it was a constituent in the past. Context note en rico:wasConstituentOf was constituent of
Connects a Place to a Place within which it was contained. Context note en rico:wasContainedBy was contained by
Connects a Corporate Body to one of the Corporate Bodies that results from the split of the previous one into two to many corporate bodies. Context note en rico:wasSplitInto was split into
Connects a subdivision to the Group it was a part of in the past. Context note en rico:wasSubdivisionOf was subdivision of
Connects an Agent to an Agent that was hierarchically superior in the past. Context note en rico:wasSubordinateTo was subordinate to
Reference system used for altitude Context note en rico:altimetricSystem altimetric system
The height of a Place above a reference level, especially above sea level. Context note en rico:altitude
Description of the evidence that a Record Resource or Instantiation is what it purports to be, was created or sent by the said Agent at the said time, and has not been tampered with, corrupted, or forged. Context note en rico:authenticityNote authenticity note
Information on a Mandate that authorizes an Agent to perform an Activity. Context note en rico:authorizingMandate authorizing mandate
Date at which something began. Context note en rico:beginningDate beginning date
Date at which a Person was born. Context note en rico:birthDate birth date
Number of physical units and/or physical dimensions of the carrier of an Instantiation. In order to manage an Instantiation of a record resource it is necessary to note the extent of the carrier as well as that of the Instantiation itself. Whether it is necessary to note dimensions, the number of relevant units, or both, depends on the nature of the carrier and particular business needs. Context note en rico:carrierExtent carrier extent
A term, number or alphanumeric string that is usually taken from an external classification vocabulary or scheme that qualifies a Record Resource. Context note en rico:classification
Summary of the development of an entity throughout its existence. Context note en rico:history
Terms and circumstances affecting the availability of a Record Resource or an Instantiation for consultation. Context note en rico:conditionsOfAccess conditions of access
Terms and circumstances affecting the use of a Record Resource or an Instantiation after access has been provided. Includes conditions governing reproduction of the Record Resource under applicable copyright (intellectual property) and/or property legislation or due to conservation status. Context note en rico:conditionsOfUse conditions of use
Date at which an entity was created. Context note en rico:creationDate creation date
A human readable qualification of a Date to indicate the level of precision or certainty. Context note en rico:dateQualifier date qualifier
General information about an entity. General description may be used to describe any entity. There are different appropriate uses for general description. First, while it is recommended that more specific properties be used in describing an entity, it may be desirable, for economic or other reasons, to describe two or more specific properties together. Second, general description may be used to describe one or more characteristics that are not otherwise accommodated in RiC-O. Third, it may be used to provide a succinct summary or abstract description in addition to more detailed specific description. Context note en rico:generalDescription general description
Date at which an entity was deleted. Context note en rico:destructionDate destruction date
Reference system used for geographical coordinates. Context note en rico:geodesicSystem geodesic system
Longitudinal and latitudinal information about a Place. Context note en rico:geographicalCoordinates geographical coordinates
Vertical dimension of an entity. Context note en rico:height
A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific information domain. Can include Global Persistent Identifiers (globally unique and persistently resolvable identifier for the entity) and/or Local Identifiers. Both the domain within which the identifier is unique, and the rules used in forming the identifier value should be provided with the identifier value. Context note en rico:identifier
Countable characteristics of an Instantiation expressed as a quantity. Context note en rico:instantiationExtent Instantiation extent
Information about the physical arrangement and composition of an Instantiation. Context note en rico:instantiationStructure Instantiation structure
Information about the known intellectual completeness of a Record Resource. Context note en rico:integrityNote integrity note
Date at which an entity was last updated. Context note en rico:lastModificationDate last modification date
Distance in degrees north or south of the equator. Context note en rico:latitude
A delimitation of the physical territory of a Place. Used to describe basic human-readable text such as an address, a cadastral reference, or less precise information found in a Record. Context note en rico:location
Distance in degrees east or west of a prime meridian. Context note en rico:longitude
Date of the modification of an entity. Context note en rico:modificationDate modification date
Machine readable representation of the date based on a public technical standard. Context note en rico:normalizedDateValue normalized date value
Value representation based on a standard, preferably machine-readable. Context note en rico:normalizedValue normalized value
Information about the physical features, completeness, or conservation status of an Instantiation. Includes information about the physical nature and condition such as conservation status or the deterioration of an Instantiation (for example its carrier) affecting the ability to recover information. Context note en rico:physicalCharacteristicsNote physical characteristics note
Countable characteristics of the content of an entity expressed as a quantity. Context note en rico:physicalOrLogicalExtent physical or logical extent
The method used in the representation of information on an Instantiation. Context note en rico:productionTechnique production technique
Date of the publication of a Record Resource. Context note en rico:publicationDate publication date
Characteristics of an Instantiation that affect the ability to recover the intellectual content. Such characteristics may be related to the methods used in creating the Instantiation or introduced subsequent to the creation through accident. Context note en rico:qualityOfRepresentationNote quality of representation note
Machine-readable quantity. Context note en rico:quantity
Qualifies the level of certitude of the accuracy of a Relation. Context note en rico:relationCertainty relation certainty
A source of information used for identifying and describing a Relation. Context note en rico:relationSource relation source
Used to qualify the state of a Relation (e. g. present, past, ongoing, unknown). Context note en rico:relationState relation state
Describes any relevant physical or software feature of any device involved in the creation or management of a Record Resource. Context note en rico:technicalCharacteristics technical characteristics
An identifying name of a Record Resource, Instantiation or Rule. Context note en rico:title
A definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity. Can be spacial units (cm, m), weight (g, kg), time (s, h), storage (MB, TB) or more informal units used in the archival context like number of boxes, pages or words. Context note en rico:unitOfMeasurement unit of measurement
Horizontal dimension of an entity. Context note en rico:width
Connects an Event to a Thing on which the Event has or had some significant impact. Context note en rico:affectsOrAffected affects or affected
Inverse of 'documents' object property. Context note en rico:documentedBy documented by
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Activity that generates the Record Resource or Instantiation. Context note en rico:documents
Inverse of 'is or was expressed by' object property. Context note en rico:expressesOrExpressed expresses or expressed
Connects a Thing to a Thing that it followed in some non chronological sequence in the past. Context note en rico:followedInSequence followed in sequence
Inverse of 'precedesOrPreceded' object property. Context note en rico:followsOrFollowed follows or followed
Connects an Instantiation to another Instantiation that was its component in the past. Context note en rico:hadComponent had component
Connects a Thing to a Thing that was a constitutive or component part of that Thing in the past. Context note en rico:hadPart had part
Connects a past Event to one of a series of past Events that constituted that original, broader, past Event. Context note en rico:hadSubevent had subevent
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that accumulates it, be it intentionally (collecting) or not (receiving in the course of its activities). Context note en rico:hasAccumulator has accumulator
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that it is addressed to. Context note en rico:hasAddressee has addressee
Inverse of 'has descendant' object property. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:hasAncestor has ancestor
Connects a Record to the Group, Person or Position that is responsible for conceiving and formulating the information contained in the Record. Context note en rico:hasAuthor has author
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that collects it intentionally, i.e., the Agent is a collector. Context note en rico:hasCollector has collector
Connects a Record or a Record Part to a Content Type which categorizes its content. Context note en rico:hasContentOfType has content of type
Connects a Record Resource to a copy of that Record Resource. Context note en rico:hasCopy has copy
Connects a Record Resource to a reply, usually in the form of correspondence. Context note en rico:hasReply has reply
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that is either responsible for all or some of the content of the Record Resource or is a contributor to the genesis or production of an Instantiation. Context note en rico:hasCreator has creator
Connects a Date to its Date Type. Context note en rico:hasDateType has date type
Inverse of 'is death date of' object property Context note en rico:hasDeathDate has death date
Inverse of 'is death place of' object property Context note en rico:hasDeathPlace has death place
Connects a Person to one of their descendants. This is a transitive relation. Context note en rico:hasDescendant has descendant
Connects a Record or Record Part to its Documentary Form Type. Context note en rico:hasDocumentaryFormType has documentary form type
Inverse of 'is draft of' object property. Context note en rico:hasDraft has draft
Inverse of 'is end date of' object property. Context note en rico:hasEndDate has end date
Connects an Event to an Event Type which categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasEventType has event type
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation to an Extent Context note en rico:hasExtent has extent
Connects an Extent to an Extent Type that categorizes what is being measured. Context note en rico:hasExtentType has extent type
Connects an Agent and (one of) its present or past Agent Name. Context note en rico:hasOrHadAgentName has or had agent name
Connects a Thing to a Type that categorizes or categorized it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadCategory has or had category
Connects an Instantiation to one of its present or past component instantiations. Context note en rico:hasOrHadComponent has or had component
Inverse of 'is or was controller of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadController has or had controller
Connects a Corporate Body to a Corporate Body Type which categorizes or categorized it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadCorporateBodyType has or had corporate body type
Connects two Persons that correspond or have corresponded with each other. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:hasOrHadCorrespondent has or had correspondent
Inverse of 'is or was employer of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadEmployer has or had employer
Inverse of 'is or was holder of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadHolder has or had holder
Connects an Agent, Record or Record Part to a Language that uses or used it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadLanguage has or had language
Inverse of 'is or was leader of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadLeader has or had leader
Connects an Agent or Record Resource to a Legal Status which categorized or categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadLegalStatus has or had legal status
Inverse of 'is or was manager of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadManager has or had manager
Connects a Mandate to a Mandate Type that categorized or categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadMandateType has or had mandate type
Connects a Group to a Person that is or was a member of that Group. Context note en rico:hasOrHadMember has or had member
Connects a Thing to one of its past or present Names. Context note en rico:hasOrHadName has or had name
Inverse of 'is or was owner of' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadOwner has or had owner
Connects a Thing to a constitutive or component part of that Thing. Context note en rico:hasOrHadPart has or had part
Connects a Place to one of its past or present names. Context note en rico:hasOrHadPlaceName has or had place name
Connects a Place to a Place Type that categorized or categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadPlaceType has or had place type
Connects a Rule to a Rule Type that categorized or categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasOrHadRuleType has or had rule type
Connects two Persons who are or were married. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSpouse has or had spouse
Inverse of 'has or had teacher' object property. Context note en rico:hasOrHadStudent has or had student
Connects an Event to one of a series of Events that constitute the original, broader, past or ongoing Event. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSubevent has or had subevent
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its subject. Context note en rico:hasOrHadSubject has or had subject
Connects a Person to another Person who is or was their teacher. Context note en rico:hasOrHadTeacher has or had teacher
Connects a Record Set to a Record Set Type that categorizes it. Context note en rico:hasRecordSetType has record set type
Connects a Record or Record Part to a Record State that categorizes its state. Context note en rico:hasRecordState has record state
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that sends it Context note en rico:hasSender has sender
Connects an Agent to another Agent that succeeds it chronologically. Context note en rico:hasSuccessor has successor
Inverse of 'knows of' object property. Context note en rico:knownBy known by
Connects two Persons that directly know each other during their existence. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:knows
Connects a Person to another Person they have some knowledge of through time or space. Context note en rico:knowsOf knows of
Inverse of 'is date of occurrence of' object property Context note en rico:occurredAtDate occurred at date
Connects two Places that geographically overlap or overlapped. This relation is symmetric. Context note en rico:overlapsOrOverlapped overlaps or overlapped
Inverse of 'is or was performed by' object property. Context note en rico:performsOrPerformed performs or performed
Connects a Thing to a Thing that followed it in some non chronological sequence in the past. Context note en rico:precededInSequence preceded in sequence
Connects a Thing to a Thing that follows or followed it in some sequence. Context note en rico:precedesOrPreceded precedes or preceded
Connects a Proxy to the Record Resource it stands for in the specific context of a Record Set. Context note en rico:proxyFor proxy for