Scope note for the class Holding of a Right or Obligation – C14  Back


Scope note


This class models prerogatives, obligations, rights, powers, etc. of subjects of law (human or legal actors) regarding specific persistent items during a given time-span. While sdh-so:C31 Law or Custom expresses general principles, a sdh-so:C17 Right or Obligation applies them to particular instances. Right or obligations can nevertheless exist independently from a general law and be solely based on social representations, e.g. this field being considered as belonging to me in my village.

It is important to note that this class models the same phenomenon, in the form of a time-bound intentional quality, as the one inteded by the crm:E30 Right class. The present class models it as an expression of collective intentionality in time while the crm:E30 Right class captures the propositional content of the phenomenon. If desired, the class crm:E30 Right can be explicitly associated with the present class by using the inherited sdh:P34 has content property which associates a sdh:C4 Intention with its propositional content. In the present case the propositional content of the intention is the collectively accepted right.


